Thriving Mold Remediation Company

Price: $379,000

Location: Broward County

Industry: Cleaning Companies

Listing ID: 55579

Listing Status: Available


Since 2006, this company has built a reputation as a trusted and reliable expert in mold remediation, with nearly two decades of experience and a proven track record of success.

Key Highlights:
- Established reputation with 18 years of experience
- Consistent revenue and profit growth
- Loyal and diverse client base with high retention
- Excellent reviews on google and BBB
- Professional television commercial and radio jingle
- Opportunities for expansion and growth
- Streamlined and scalable processes for efficiency

This company offers a stable and profitable operation, with a strong foundation for future growth and success. With a loyal client base and excellent customer satisfaction, this business is poised for continued success. Don't miss out on this opportunity to acquire a reputable and thriving mold remediation company!


Total Sales: $680,248

Cash Flow: $191,678

FFE: $65,793

Inventory: $2,000

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James Covian